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MD Mobility Magic
How Andrea and Geneviève met
Who is Geneviève?
Who is Andrea?
How APT began
Why we created MD Mobility Magic? (7:17)
Early testing surprising outcomes
Disclaimer - Please read BEFORE commencing this course
Feet & footwear
What is moving? What is not moving?
What effects the health of your instrument?
Overuse of some areas
Quality and career longevity
Maintenance plan
When? How often? How many times?
Consistency & commitment
Seated Sequence
Chair posture
Head turns to side
Head tilt
Head forward & up
Seated sequence parts 1 to 4 (5:05)
Shoulder circles
Rib cage rotation
Core activation
Seated sequence parts 5 to 8 (4:17)
Upper trap release
Wrists & hands
Breathing & final check
Seated sequence parts 9 to 11 (2:14)
Full seated sequence (11:41)
Standing sequence
Intro: why & when
Standing posture (stack and stand - build your house)
Foot foundation
Short calf stretch
Standing sequence parts 1 to 4 (6:21)
Pillars of movement: up & down
Pillars of movement: control and release
Standing sequence parts 5 and 6 (1:58)
Ribcage rotation
Pillars of Movement: Rotation
Pillars of Movement: In & out (close & open upper thoracic / shoulders)
Standing sequence parts 7 to 9 (3:20)
Lateral line
Wrists & hands
Standing sequence parts 10 and 11 (1:31)
Full standing sequence (13:15)
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Seated sequence parts 5 to 8
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